Undeciphered scripts have long tantalized the public, whether it's the possibility of hearing the voices of ancient peoples or the puzzle solver's taste for the challenges posed by breaking codes. Here, Andrew Robinson investigates the most famous examples, beginning with the stories of three great decipherments: Egyptian hieroglyphs, Maya glyphs, and the Minoan Linear B clay tablets. He then covers the important scripts that have yet to be cracked, such as the Etruscan alphabet and Rongorongo from Easter Island.
Recounts the work of leading nineteenth- and twentieth-century literary archaeologists in searching out, studying, and deciphering ancient writings and thereby retrieving the histories and literatures of ancient cultures.
A leading commentator and popular writer on langauge issues, David Crystal asks the fundamental question, "Why is language death so important?", reviews the reason for the current crisis, and investigates what is being done to reduce its ...
"Dieses Buch behandelt die indigenen Sprachen der peruanischen Nordküste, die vor der Ankunft der Spanier gesprochen wurden.