Robotics is the fastest-growing and most exciting area of development in architecture and architectural education for a generation, offering new paradigms for design and fabrication. Schools and practices around the world are engaging robotics and this publication offers new insights into the full design potential of their application. Robot House features projects produced by one of the most innovative robotics design studios in the world, often interacting with a wide range of technologies from motion capture to material science - a realm far beyond conventional 3D modeling and the capabilities of 3D printing. The book has three central sections: Techniques, which sets out the fields and the thinking that underlie the new uses for robotics; Projects, which offers detailed presentations that explore how these principles can be applied and augmented through interactive prototypes and working models; and Platforms, which presents the working tools for used for this new genre of improvisational robotics through specially drawn technical illustrations. The introduction frames the current developments in the history of architectural innovation, and the reference section includes a glossary and diagrams.
... from the intricate stained glass windows of medieval Gothic cathedrals to the pure fluidity of space found in both i\/iies van der Rohe's Barcelona Pavilion and Phillip Johnson's Glass House in New Canaan, Connecticut. if there has ...
... 340 Bryan , Ross , 308 Bryan & Associates Architects / Planners , Inc. , 403 Bryant , Gridley J. F. , 437 Bryant , John H. , 315 Bryce , David , 437 Brydone , Elcanor , 340 Brzozowski , Nichole J. , 524 Buatta , Mario , 370 Bubenik ...
Frank Lloyd Wright, 1867-1959 Bear Run, Pennsylvania, USA; 1935-7 Edgar and Liliane Kaufmann, owners of the Kaufmann Department Store in nearby Pittsburgh ... -r~T. P^t. \ 'At*- 3 First Floor Plan 4 Section 5 Ground Floor Plan Fallingwater.
Keywords: Community-based design, architectural pedagogy, homeless shelter, design studio assessment tools, pilot experiential learning Innovations in Architectural Pedagogy: Discovering Experiential Service Learning in Vernacular ...
MArch UD: Urban Design 2012-13
This is a book about structures that shows students how to see structures as integral to architecture, and how knowledge of structures is the basis for understanding both the mechanical and conceptual aspects inherent to the art of building ...
Die konstruktiven Prinzipien der Architektur
Not only important for space projects, this book contains precious information for architectural design also on planet Earth. It also includes a timeline with the history of space projects since hundreds of years ago.
"Cutting-edge contemporary and sustainable designs signify the collection of 16 residences and one retail refurbishment by award-wining founder and principal, Mike Cleaver of Clever Design.
In Infinite Measure, we rediscover a fundamental starting point for designers of all ages: the simple act of drawing with a compass and a rule can sensitize the designer to the rich subtleties of spatial harmony, no matter how one ...