The heroes of the Iliad and Odyssey fought with shields and swords of bronze. What was the world like in those mythic days, when the rival Greek cities of Troy and Mycenae battled for supremacy, and, far to the west, unknown engineers raised the megaliths of Stonehenge? What do we know of even earlier times, when the settled peoples of Europe first replaced their crude stone tools with those made of refined metal and crafted ornaments of beaten copper and gold? The invention of bronze was a remarkable development, permitting the casting of much stronger tools and weapons. Across Europe, the peoples of the Bronze Age forged metal and traded its products, raised monolithic standing stones, practised similar funerary and religious rites, and decorated their products with the same motifs and symbols.
Lethbridge , T.C. 1933 , ' Investigation of the Ancient Causeway ܕ • Longworth , I.H. , 1971 , ' The. reappraisal , Surrey Arch . Colls . , 73 , 127-139 . Erith , F.H. & Longworth , I.H. , 1960 , ' A Bronze Age Urnfield on Vinces Farm ...
Elegantly written and beautifully produced, this tellsyou everything you need to know about wheeled vehicles in Europe, from their origins in the Neolithic period to the heyday of the Celts, Stuart Piggott one of Europe's best-known ...
This volume offers the first systematic investigation of its myriad roles and manifestations in the ancient Mediterranean and Near East.
In this dissertation, I investigate this archaeological phenomenon from a radically different perspective: the "event-based" approach to social transformation developed by historical sociologist William H. Sewell.
Bahrain National Museum Ar- W. Phillips , Kataba und Saba ( Frankfurt / M . 1955 ) . chaeological Collections ... ( Manama 1989b ) 51-82 . W. Phillips , Unknown Oman ( Beirut 1971 ) . J. Lutz / B . Hellwing / E . Pernicka / H. Hauptmann ...
This volume emerges from a session honoring Watler E. Rast and R. Thomas Schaub held during the 2003 Annual Meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research in Atlanta, Georgia and includes expanded versions of many of the papers ...
38 papers on Aegean Bronze Age pottery in honour of Jeremy Rutter.
This volume is intended to bring the 1983 corpus of south western Bronze Age metalwork finds up to date by documenting finds made in the four counties between January 1980 and July 2014.
This book describes European culture and society during the Bronze Age, develops common themes linking different areas and cultural groups, and uses the results of radiocarbon dating to establish an objective chronology of the period.
Unclassified : Type Wilburton – Variant A ( see p . 40 ff . ) : 781. Near Corbridge , Northumberland . - This is probably a Scandinavian sword , as the Forster collection 777 A. Mortlake , Surrey . – Single find .