The heart and soul of the French country home - and the source of France's legendary art de vivre - is the kitchen. Distinguished by striking craftsmanship, bold colours and vintage accents, the French country kitchen - whether a rustic retreat or an urban oasis - is always unique and inviting. In this beautiful celebration of France's real-life kitchens, Linda Dannenberg invites us into dozens of kitchens that capture the spirit of their regions, carefully examining the design, the priorities of the owners, and the details - from colour palettes to collectibles - that create inviting, functional and personal spaces. With an extensive directory of sources, more than 200 full-colour photographs, and evocative text highlighting a bounty of original ideas, French Country Kitchens is a lush and inspiring guide to re-creating a little corner of France in the heart of your own home.
I cannot think of the cook who would not enjoy this book." (BARBARA KAFKA, author of Roasting: A Simple Art) Welcome to the French farm table and taste the real food of France.
The Food Lover's Guide to Paris
James Martin's French Adventure showcases the superstar chef's handpicked favourite recipes from the series and sees him journey the length and breadth of the country, sampling the very best food France has to offer.
Losing it in France reveals the secret French strategies of how to eat delicious food and become a thin eater for life.
This beautifully illustrated book shows you how to eat French-style (and remember, the French don't get fat!) and stock a French-style larder with specialist ingredients like soft cheeses and truffles.
New Bistro profiles a diverse selection of France's best bistros and eateries, from the vintage sophistication of Benoit in Paris, where quality, taste and presentation are of the utmost importance, to the rustic charm of La Colline in the ...
本书收录了法国著名主厨亚朗·杜卡斯最具代表性的原创食谱.书中的每一道料理,都配有细致步骤图示及详尽的操作解说,不仅让读者近距离领悟世界殿堂级大师的厨艺精髓 ...
Ben shu shi"da shi zhi zui xi lie"zhi yi, Shou lu le fa guo zhu ming zhu chu ya lang du ka si zui ju dai biao xing de yuan chuang shi pu. Shu zhong de mei yi dao liao li, Dou pei you xi zhi bu zhou tu shi ji xiang jin de cao zuo jie shuo.
與美味相遇: 絶妙的法式食材之旅