The Genesis of the GATT

The Genesis of the GATT
Foreign trade regulation
Douglas A. Irwin


"This book is part of a wider project on the economic logic behind the General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). This volume asks: What does the historical record indicate about the aims and objectives of the frames of the GATT? Where did the provisions of the GATT come from and how did they evolve through various international meetings and drafts? To what extent does the historical record provide support for one or more of the economic rationales for the GATT? This book examines the motivations and contributions of the two main framers of the GATT, the United States and the united Kingdom, as well as the smaller role of other countries. The framers desired a commercial agreement on trade practices as well as negotiated reductions in trade barriers. Both were sought as a way to expand international trade to promote world prosperity, restrict the use of discriminatory policies to reduce conflict over trade, and thereby establish economic foundations for maintaining world peace."--Jacket.

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