Karl Polanyi's 1944 book, 'The Great Transformation', offered a radical critique of how the market system has affected society and humanity since the industrial revolution. This volume brings together contributions from scholars in economic anthropology, sociology and political economy to consider Polanyi's theories in light of circumstances today.
This wide-ranging text will be of interest to undergraduate and postgraduate students in sociology, economic theory and history, politics, social and political theory, anthropology and cultural studies.
An exploration of the social structures at the heart of capitalist economies from feudal England through to the modern day.
The book examines these phenomena from a linguistic and critical perspective, drawing on critical discourse analysis, sociological treatises of market society, and critical management studies.
This book concentrates upon the historic associations of the marketplace in the work of Aristotle, Adam Smith, Karl Marx, and demonstrates how what markets were imagined to entail for society was critical to each author's understanding of ...
Brennan, J. and Williams, R. (2008) 'Higher education outside the universities: the UK Case', in J.S. Taylor, J.B. Ferreira, M. de Lourdes Machado and R. Santiago (eds) Non-University Higher Education in Europe, Dordrecht: Springer.
An Economic and Social History of Gambling in Britain and the USA, Manchester: Manchester University Press. Musson, A. E. 1975. 'Continental Influences on the Industrial Revolution in Britain', in B. E. Radcliffe (ed.) ...
The book explains why the system fails so many Americans in so many different ways, and outlines how we can build a better economy that simultaneously promotes freedom and social justice while crippling the powers o
Under Kim Jong-un, North Korea has experienced growing economic markets, an emerging 'nouveau riche,' and modest levels of urban development.
Should we pay children to read books or to get good grades? Should we allow corporations to pay for the right to pollute the atmosphere? Is it ethical to pay...
This book explores the underlying causes of the pervasive dominance of ‘unethics’ in contemporary affairs in economics, business, and society.