An introduction to the geography, history, economy, culture, and people of Bangladesh, the small, densely populated neighbor of India.
In so doing, it reveals the forces that have made Bangladesh what it is today. This is an eloquent introduction to a fascinating country and its resilient and inventive people.
Discover how people live work and play. Learn about the food culture and language. And visit some of this unique country's most famous places. This exciting series takes students around the world country by country.
This book conceptualizes the politics of Bangladesh through an Islamic concept called ummah or the global brotherhood of Muslims.
signed an Osama bin Laden holy war declaration in 1998.33 JMB seeks the imposition of Sharia law for Bangladesh and is thought responsible for the widespread and coordinated August 2005 bombings. HuJI has been implicated in the January ...
In unearthing the story of the man who many thought was the leader of his generation, he begins to uncover the story of the nation itself."--Fly leaf
Following independence from Pakistan in 1971 , Bangladesh was governed by successive military governments for twenty years . However , parliamentary democracy was established in 1991 and there have been three national elections since ...
Bangladesh: Medium-Term Outlook 1/ FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Prel. Staff proj. Real GDP CPI inflation (annual average) Credit to private sector (end of period) 6.5 6.4 (Annual percent change) 6.3 6.8 7.0 6.5 7.0 6.7 14.7 15.9 15.7 ...
services, online marketing and customized services are not available in the tourism industry in Bangladesh. Hossain (1999) demonstrated that the tourism industry failed to grow properly due to a lack of sustainable and effective tourism ...
Ahmad QK, Ahmad N, Rasheed, KBS (eds) (1994) Resources, environment and development in Bangladesh: with particular reference to the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna basins. Academic Publishers, Dhaka, Bangladesh 5.
Inside Bangladesh Today: An Eye-witness Account