Relates the things Polka-Dot Puppy sees when he goes for a walk, and how they are all in the process of changing into something else.
Stinker the dog, who often "makes little smells," finds a new home and a new name after a lonely, elderly man adopts him.
Mahler, M. S., Pine, F., & Bergman, A. (1975). The psychological birth of the human infant. Symbiosis and individuation. New York: Basic Books. Martin, B., Jr., & Archambault, J. (1989). Chicka chicka boom boom (L. Ehlert, Illus.).
American Bookseller
Bruce made a low growling sound as he shuffled off into the corner, walked around in circles a few times and then came to rest. Within a few moments, Peter could hear him snoring again. 'Why do dogs walk around in circles before they ...
A unique feature of Klein's " Penny Pollard " books — which include Penny Pollard's Letters , Penny Pollard in Print , Penny Pollard's Passport , Penny Pollard's Guide to Modern Manners , and Penny Pollard's Scrapbook — is their use of ...
A young boy and his mother hatch a step-by-step plan to overcome his fear of dogs. Includes a note to parents and caregivers about anxiety, anxiety disorders, and exposure therapy.
To Bruce Goldstein-an edgy, twenty-something New Yorker trying to make his mark in advertising-just waking up in the morning was an ordeal. Underemployed and recently dumped, he was well into...
Presents a collection of three stories featuring a little puppy, a toy tugboat, and a baby elephant.
Publications : John Burroughs : An American Naturalist ( biography ) , 1992 ; 1001 Really Cool Web Sites ... Most Useful , and Most Fun Science Websites , 1996 ; Great American Websites : An Online Discovery of a Hidden America ...
Welcome to the Puppy Place -- where every puppy finds a home!