Suggests ways to show responsibility, such as remembering to feed kitty, eating one's peas, and wearing boots in the rain.
Arguing that people can have control over their lives only if they take responsibility for themselves, a guide to self-realization and self-esteem explains the difference between victim power and personal power
"Most people believe that we have both [free will and responsibility] - that is, that our choices, decisions, and actions are neither determined nor undetermined but rather fully self-determined.
CSR encompasses broad questions about the changing relationship between business, society, and government. This Handbook is an authoritative review of the academic research that has both prompted, and responded to, these issues.
Neil Levy presents a new theory of freedom and responsibility.
Board of Trustees James A. Johnson Chairman Leonard Abramson Michael H. Armacost Ronald J. Arnault Elizabeth E. ... Dam D. Ronald Daniel Stephen Friedman Vartan Gregorian Bernadine P. Healy Samuel Hellman Warren Hellman Robert A. Helman ...
Though his detailed argument is rather complicated, a suggestion by Jonathan Bennett offers a useful hint in all but freakish cases. His suggestion is along the following lines. For an agent's conduct to be regarded as positive: (1) he ...
As the distinguished contributors to this volume evaluate the moral force of needs they approach questions of obligation and moral interest from a variety of different theoretical perspectives including contractarian, rights-based, and ...
Why Should I Listen?
This timely book seeks to lay the foundations for a sustainable corporate governance based on the European Commission definition of CSR as ‘the responsibility of enterprises for their impacts on society’.
Teaching Gender aims to examine the implications of teaching and learning in a neoliberal context from a feminist perspective.