Describes and illustrates major weapons of the United States armed forces.
9. One exponent of this view is Darryl Roberts in " Origins of War in the Periphery of the International System " ( Ph.D. diss . , Cornell University , 1984 ) . 10. R. Barnet and R. Muller , Global Reach : The Power of the Multinational ...
Argues that the arms industry and military assistance in the United States are unduly influenced by former Cold War-era officials now working for defense firms, and profiles some of the leading figures in the field.
International experts examine transactions, capabilities, structures and norms influencing the complex network of trade in missile technologies.
Over a Barrel: Light Weapons & Human Rights in the Commonwealth
"The shadow world is the harrowing, behind-the-scenes tale of the global arms trade.
Der britische Journalist und ehemalige ANC-Abgeordnete des südafrikanischen Parlaments legt ausführlich seine Recherchen der letzten Jahre zum internationalen Waffenhandel dar. U.a. beschreibt er auch ein deutsches Waffenhandelsnetzwerk. Ebenso genau schildert...
... viewed 22 July 1997; industry growth expectation and firepower of private guards from Mike Zielinski, "Armed and Dangerous: Private Police on the March," Covert Action Quarterly, , viewed 21 July ...
Third World Military Expenditure and Arms Production
Russia is the world's second-largest arms exporter after the US, and is seeking to strengthen its position in new markets.
"A British minister is a pawn in a deadly game played out in one of the world's most explosive countries - Indonesia.