A provocative examination of the mass-production method of raising animals, studies the effects of overcrowding, poor nutrition, drugs, artificial insemination, and lack of exercise on animals bred for consumption.
The essays in this volume have been selected from the larger photographic volume CAFO (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations): The Tragedy of Industrial Animal Factories.
As the photos and essays in this powerful book demonstrate, the rise of the CAFO industry has become one of the most pressing issues of our time.
In this thoroughly researched book, Kirby follows three families and communities whose lives are utterly changed by immense neighboring animal farms.
Mr Williams of Boots' Farms explains the reason for this (Farmer and Stockbreeder, 30th January 1962): Company and exercise were good for calves. 'They must have a gallop,' insisted Mr Williams. His practice was to start running the ...
For everyone from omnivores to vegans, this eye-opening guide offers food for thought on today’s meat industry.
Comprehensive overview of key theoretical approaches and issues in the field.
"Peter Singer's writing changed my life. I have waited for this book for a long time, a quarter of a century in fact.
... recent graduates Ryan Pandya from Tufts University and Perumal Gandhi from Stony Brook University. These three young scientists had only four days to coordinate before the application deadline of a biotechnology-focused startup ...
The Ethics of What We Eat explores the impact our food choices have on humans, animals, and the environment. Recognizing that not all of us will become vegetarians, Singer and Mason offer ways to make healthful, humane food choices.
Key themes of the essays in Captured: the Animal within Culture are encapsulated in Christian's story: the implications of the physical and cultural capture of animals.