Late in the twenty-second century while attempting to rescue a long-lost spaceship in the outer reaches of the galaxy, the explorer craft "Palomino" is swept into a timeless, bottomless black hole. Pages are removable for use as posters.
While maintaining surveillance over a black hole, the crew of the space craft Palomino locates a long-lost ship now manned by one human and an army of robots.
Fiction, Folklore, Fantasy & Poetry for Children, 1876-1985: Titles, awards
The black hole
The Macmillan Film Bibliography: Reviews
Fully updated and expanded, this edition encompasses all nine episodes of the original, prequel, and sequel trilogies, along with the standalone movies Rogue One and Solo, and the acclaimed television series, The Mandalorian.
These 16 full-color pull-out posters feature the original iconic Star Wars bounty hunter, Boba Fett, as well as his cohort, the deadly assassin Fennec Shand, to coincide with the airing of the highly-anticipated streaming series The Book of ...
--Sleepy Head N.D. T. S. Denison . --Streamlined Cinderella . N.D. T. S. Denison . George , David L. --Freddie Freighliner to the Rescue . Reese , Bob , illus . ( Illus . ) . 32p . ( Adventures of Freddie Freightliner Ser . ) .
I wore Brooks Brothers suits , Italian silk ties , and Ferragamo shoes . I could psyche myself up for any opportunity I thought would change my life . I looked good . I sounded good . I gave all the right answers .
... Comic Times 4, TJKC 11) Valley Girl early 1980s: (sample strips—inspired by Frank Zappa/Moon Zappa) Kirby (script) Kirby -a(p) (See TJKC 16,30) Walt Disney's Treasury of Classic Tales: The Black Hole Sep 2, 1979—Jan 13, ...
The Macmillan Film Bibliography: Index