Frank Barlow's magisterial biography, first published in 1970 and now reissued with new material, rescues Edward the Confessor from contemporary myth and subsequent bogus scholarship. Disentangling verifiable fact from saintly legend, he vividly re-creates the final years of the Anglo-Danish monarchy and examines England before the Norman Conquest with deep insight and great historical understanding."Deploying all the resources of formidable scholarship, [Barlow] has recovered the real Edward." -- "Spectator"
Frank Barlow's magisterial biography, first published in 1970 and now reissued with new material, rescues Edward the Confessor from contemporary myth and subsequent bogus scholarship.
The millennium of Edward the Confessor's birth presents an appropriate occasion for a full-scale, up-to-date reassessment of his life, reign and cult, a reappraisal which is provided in the essays...
In this revealing portrait of England's royal saint, David Woodman traces the course of Edward's twenty-four-year-long reign through the lens of contemporary sources, from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle and the Vita Ædwardi Regis to the Bayeux ...
148–72]) Wer Wergeld Wif Wifmannes Beweddung (T, EHD 1) W] art Willelmi I articulix, the Ten Articles of William I (R, EHD 2) Wl art retr Willelmi articuli retractatus (R) Other Abbreviations ... Abraham Farley and Henry Ellis, 4 vols.
When Henry II came to the throne of England, he was hailed as the one who brought to an end the divisions caused by the Norman conquest, for both the...
For this second edition, Barlow has not only undertaken a complete revision of the book, but recent discoveries have enabled him to reconstruct in part the lacunae in BL Harley MS 526 with texts closer to the original.
The biography of England's penultimate Anglo-Saxon king, Edward the Confessor
This work presents a new approach to the problem of the constitution of the Witenagemot, and one which has produced interesting and valuable results. It was undertaken because no detailed...