The quality of financial decision making explains why some companies succeed whilst others fail. Sources of Value provides an original toolkit that emphasises both technical skills and strategic awareness.
This handbook combines the forces of the many disciplines involved in value research and covers issues such as definitions of value and the role of value in emotion.
This new book brings together leading thinkers in the area of knowledge and innovation management in a state of the art collection of studies in this field.
European Journal of Marketing, 45(1/2), 277–294. Levitt, T. (1980). Marketing success through the differentiation of anything. Harvard Business Review, 58(1), 83–91. Miller, R.B., Heiman, S.E., & Tuleja, T. (2005).
A distinguished interdisciplinary group of scholars examines the merits and shortcomings of Land-Value taxation, and how it compares and contrasts with the conventional property tax.
This volume contains contributions from 24 internationally known scholars covering a broad spectrum of interests in cross-cultural theory and research.
Stephen Coburn Pepper. confirmation would depend on a correlation of pleasure with the expenditure of energy through release of tension. On a tension theory, pleasures and pains are theoretically measurable by correlation with objective ...
This book examines the foundations of the system for owning and taxing agricultural land in the United States.
"The best valuation book just got better. This edition's greater emphasis on what drives value and how to measure it will improve the way practitioners conduct financial analysis and, ultimately, make strategic decisions.
See also Joan Magretta , “ The Power of Virtual Integration : An Interview with Dell Computer's Michael Dell ... step float glass see James M. Utterback , Mastering the Dynamics of Innovation : How Companies Can Seize Opportunities in ...