Others writers of fiction who fall broadly into the genre of social realism , such as Gavin Casey , Alan Marshall , Kylie Tennant , and the Dal Stivens of Jimmy Brockett , are purer realists because they do not let their social ...
Social Patterns in Australian Literature
As T. Inglis Moore writes in his Social Patterns in Australian Literature , the Australian environment has been the “ background of the nation's story , ... home of its heroes , the maker of its ideals , and the breeding ground of its ...
... the Forest , Blood Red , Sister Rose Copies of 4 letters from Tessa Sayle , 18.x.1976 – 22.vi.1976 [ Eve Goolagong Letters between Borchardt and Harcourt Brace Jovanovich [ Moses the Lawgiver ( on script by Anthony Burgess , Feb.
He was in fact there from the beginning: James Boyce writes that “the first book of general literature published in Australia” is Thomas Wells' Michael Howe: The Last and Worst of the Bushrangers of Van Diemen's Land, “printed in Hobart ...
Derrida quoted by Davis, Gangland, pp.l63—4. . Robert Manne, 'Old Gang Has Something To Offer', Sydney Morning Herald (22 Sept. 1997). . Andrew Reimer in 'Symposium: Are There Gangsters and Gatekeepers?” Australian Book Review, No.196 ...
Mateship, the bushman's creed, substituted for religion's social functions to some extent. Its humanism featured egalitarianism and ... 154–5, Moore, Social Patterns in Australian Literature, p. 39. 2 Grocott, Convicts, Clergymen and ...
From hints spread across the novel, we can understand that it is set in Perth, Western Australia. ... Tom Inglis Moore, Social Patterns in Australian Literature, (Sydney: Angus and Robertson; Berkeley: University of California Press, ...
The first volume in an annotated bibliography series exploring scholarship on new post-colonial English-language literature, dealing with academic criticism of Australian literature. Lists reference aids, surveys and overviews, and writings...
A comprehensive account of Australian literature from the first settlement in 1788 to the current day, this book represents the most important achievements in Australian poetry, drama, and fiction as...
Modern Australian Poetry, 1920-1970: A Guide to Information Sources