From the twenties through the forties, Kansas City was the jazz city. Lester Young, Jack Teagarden, Count Basie, Ben Webster, Charlie Christian, Mary Lou Williams, and Charlie Parker are just a few of the jazz luminaries discussed in Jazz Style in Kansas City and the Southwest, the essential account of the evolution of the Kansas City style from its ragtime roots to the birth of bebop. Book jacket.
Amber R. Clifford-Napoleone takes an interdisciplinary approach to provide a critical deconstruction of how the jazz scene offered a space for nonnormative gender practice and performance and acted as a site of contested identity and ...
After graduating from Western, Ramey played a short stint with Bus Moten before joining trumpeter Oliver Todd's Hottentots, a young ten-piece dance band based in Kansas City, Kansas. In early April 1936, Oliver Todd resigned, ...
He also chaired the Democratic Party's Eighth Congressional District Committee , which helped elect John O'Neill , the Browns ' vice president , to five terms in Congress . The St. Louis Post - Dispatch described Von der Ahe's main ...
A good update to Frederick Starr's Red and Hot: The Face of Jazz in the Soviet Union and Leo Feigin's Russian Jazz: New Identity. Starr, Frederick. Red and Hot: The Fate of Jazz in the Soviet Union. New York: Oxford University Press; ...
Mrs. Thatcher and Mrs. Bailey's Tea House by the Side of the Road on East Forty-Fifth Street, for example, served a family-style meal “presented in its proper setting—snowy linen, bright “Kansas City, Here I Come” 139.
pessimistic, concluding that the Gribble, Lusk, and York trio formed the last remaining black string band ... Joe Thompson continues to perform string band styles he learned from older relatives in the North Carolina Piedmont area.
In Chicago , Johnson worked with several bands — Ed Carry , Cass Simpson , Irene Eadey , Eddie Mallory , Clarence Moore , and Jimmie Noone — but it was with Earl Hines that Budd most wanted to play . He got his chance on May 10 ...
I do not agree that the layman's opinion is less ofa validjudgment ofmusic than that of a professional musician. Infact, Iwould often rely more on thejudgment ofa sensitive layman than that ofa professional ... —Jazz Pianist Bill Evans, ...
Richard Crawford and Jeffrey Magee, Jazz Standards on Record, 1900–1942: A Core Repertory, CBMR Monographs, no. 4 (Chicago: Center for Black Music Research, Columbia College Chicago, 1992), vi. Crawford and Magee define jazz standards ...
Bass-line rhythm from Mike Bernard, Tantalizing Tingles, 2nd strain (recording). DYNAMICS In 1915, Axel Christensen gave the advice, “Leam to shade your tones from loud to soft as the requirements of the piece and your interpretation of ...