At head of title: International Scientific Committee for the Drafting of a General History of Africa (UNESCO).
"This volume covers the period from the end of the Neolithic era to the beginning of the seventh century of our era.
"The book first places Africa in the context of world history at the opening of the seventh century, before examining the general impact of Islamic penetration, the continuing expansion of the Bantu-speaking peoples, and the growth of ...
Chapters 17 to 20 describe the part of Africa later called the Magrhib and its Saharan hinterland. Chapters 21 to 29, the rest of Africa as well as some of the islands of the Indian Ocean.--Publisher's description
Explores how the different peoples of Africa view their civilizations and shows the historical relationships between the various parts of the continent, historical connections with other continents, and Africa's contribution to the ...
Volume VI of this acclaimed series is now available in an abridged paperback edition.
The most distinguished black in the French military , however , was to be Alexandre Dumas who was born in the nineteenth century to a Frenchman and his African mistress . Subsequent generations of this Dumas family established their ...
The series is co-published in Africa with seven publishers, in the United States and Canada by the University of California Press, and in association with the UNESCO Press.
Looks at the history of Africa since 1935 and Africa's relations with other continents during that time period.
The volume documents the significant global connections, circulations, and contributions that African people, ideas, and goods have made throughout the world—from the United States and South Asia to Latin America, Europe, and elsewhere.
An introduction to the politics and society of post-colonial Nigeria, highlighting the key themes of ethnicity, democracy, and development.