Among Africa's suffering is the little- known war in Mozambique, now in its second decade. Finnegan traveled through the country in 1988 to assess the impact of a war waged by guerrillas who are armed and often directed by South Africa. He tells a compelling story of rural misery caused by the war, which in turn offers a fertile ground for its continuation. Finnegan's narrative includes historical background and critical analysis of the Mozambique government whose policies have not created an inclusive framework for the nation. Finnegan is drawn to the conclusion that Mozambique's peasants long have been denied the fruits of peace: first under centuries of Portuguese colonialism; and now as they are exposed to the current war that is destroying their future.
This book presents carefully selected case reports that document some of the most important lessons learned at Ziv Medical Center, the northernmost Israeli hospital responsible for the medical care and support of wounded and patients from ...
Somewhat. Some of the poetry in this book just reflects the unique views of the author, politically, religiously and philosophically. If a picture is worth 1,000 words, this book my photo album with fractured family snapshots
Art and War in the Pacific World provides a new view of the Pacific world, and of global artistic interaction, by exploring how the making, alteration, looting, and destruction of images, objects, buildings, and landscapes intersected with ...
This may be the best book to give to an American trying for the first time to understand the agony of South Africa.' NORMAN RUSH, NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW
But if you just want to brush up on your history and understand what it was all about then, you've come to the right book. Be warned! By simple, I mean it! This is a short read--in fact, it will probably only take you about an hour.
Thoroughly sharp and honest treatment of a brutal conflict.The Algerian War (1954-1962) was a savage colonial war, killing an estimated one million Muslim Algerians and expelling the same number of...
This book is a personal history of Iraq, told from the point of view of a family man living there during Saddam Hussein's reign and its aftermath.
Together, the contributors argue that an examination of the meaning of material objects can shed new light on the social, economic, and cultural history of the conflict. This book will fundamentally reshape our understanding of the war.
From the Civil War to the Twenty-First Century Walter J. Fraser, Jr. ... “Otis Johnson Steps into Mayoral Contest,” SMN, January 28, 2003; “Otis S. Johnson, PhD, Mayor City of Savannah Biography,” Vertical File, Bull Street Library. 41.
... in a black neighborhood still known as the Quarters, unpainted shotgun shacks lean under tall pines and great, spreading maples. ... On the porches in the Quarters, old folks A r i a n r r i a M T w i r M A s m on r s r.