This monograph addresses questions concerning the evolutionary history of advanced snakes using molecular phylogenetic data. Viperids are the sister group of the other clades examined. Atractaspis may share a lineage with elapids. The study concludes that, because of sampling problems, many generalizations concerning snake evolution derived from the fossil record, particularly those about the age of lineages, are probably in error.
Thomas R. Howell . Breeding Biology of the Egyptian Plover Pluvianus Argyptius ( Aves : Glareolidae ) . ISBN 0-520-03804-5 . Vol . 114. Blair Csuti . Type Specimens of Recent Mammals in the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology , University of ...
J. L. Boore,The use of genome-level characteristics for phylogenetic reconstruction. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 21 (2006), 439–446. 10. C. H. Kellaway and F. E. Williams, The serological and blood relationships of some common ...
Phylogenetic relationships among advanced snakes: A molecular perspective. University of California Publications in Zoology, 119:1–77. Caldwell, M. W. 1997. Modified perichondral ossification and the evolution of paddle-like limbs in ...
This book provides detailed and updated knowledge about medically important ‘Big Four’ venomous snakes of India (Indian spectacled cobra, Indian common krait, Indian Russell’s viper, and Indian saw-scaled viper).
Phylogenetic relationships of colubroid snakes based on mitochondrial DNA sequences. ... The phylogeny of advanced snakes (Colubroidea), with discovery of a new subfamily and comparison of support methods for likelihood trees.
In: Hicks TP, Benedek G (eds) Progress in brain research, vol 75, pp 17–26. Cadle JE (1988) Phylogenetic relationships among advanced snakes: a molecular perspective, University of ...
1.0 km") on the north slope of the distal La Hotte range in Haiti, and 16 anuran species cooccur at Soroa, ... 23 frog species at a single pond at La Selva (Costa Rica), and eight species of Anolis also occur there (Duellman, 1990).
The phylogenetic relationships of Pachyrhachis problematicus, and the evolution of limblessness in snakes ... Molecular phylogeny of advanced snakes (Serpentes, Caenophidia) with an emphasis on South American xenodontines: a revised ...
This book is the first significant contribution to thoroughly examine the potential hazards associated with snakes of the former family, Colubridae.
This outstanding clinical reference provides valuable insights into solving clinical dilemmas, formulating diagnoses, developing therapeutic plans, and verifying drug dosages for both reptiles and amphibians.