. . holds up a mirror to American values, makes us examine ourselves, and dares us to question where our society is going" (George Keller, Baltimore Sun).
Alphabetically arranged entries cover such topics as the Bill of Rights, voting, abortion, globalization, Social Security, civil rights, and military issues.
Two of the most important works were John Milton's Areopagitica and John Locke's Letter Concerning Toleration . Areopagitica John Milton published Areopagitica in 1644. It asked Parliament to reconsider a licensing law it had passed in ...
On the other hand , Larry Sabato , professor of Government at the University of Virginia , believes that polls actually manipulate and manufacture public opinion : Merely asking a question produces an opinion , whether or not the ...
The teaching strategies presented in this book allow students to learn substantive social studies content as well as historical inquiry.
From Information to Decision Making: New Challenges for Effective Citizenship
American Civics: Chapter Tests with Answer Key
A world history textbook chronicling the rise of Western and Eastern civilizations. Includes photos, art, illustrated charts, vocabulary exercises, and review questions.
Glencoe World Geography: Teacher classroom resources
A textbook for the middle grades exploring American history from prehistory to the present day in a multicultural and interdisciplinary context.
A textbook for United States history from earliest Indian civilizations to the present in a multicultural and interdisciplinary context, with maps, charts, activities, study questions, and review chapters.