An "ethnographic" novel that portrays life in California's Napa Valley as it might be a very long time from now, imagined not as a high tech future but as a time of people once again living close to the land.
Always Coming Back Home is a candid and raw account of two ordinary people coming together to accomplish extraordinary things. Praise for Always Coming Back Home “Such a beautiful and incredible tale of love and family.
Jan Jordan is having a birthday—a birthday she's been dreading since she learned to count...surely life can be nothing but downhill from here.
Where Lily Isn't is Julie Paschkis and Margaret Chodos-Irvine's beautiful bereavement picture book celebrating the love of a lost pet.
Included are Le Guin's own personal commentary and notes along with two audio CDs of the text read by the author, with original music composed and performed by Todd Barton."--Publisher's website.
Always Coming Home: A Guide to Seasonal Wellness
There'll never be enough water in that pipe to get through that! We'll just feed it through the pipe under the road and out the other side right into the new garage!” “Bingo!” shouted Kevin, and he ran and got the long, heavy coil of ...
As her son grows up from little boy to adult man, a mother secretly rocks him each night as he sleeps.
The inaugural volume of Library of America’s Ursula K. Le Guin edition gathers her complete Orsinian writings, enchanting, richly imagined historical fiction collected here for the first time.
THE STORY: The home of the Blackwoods near a Vermont village is a lonely, ominous abode, and Constance, the young mistress of the place, can't go out of the house without being insulted and stoned by the villagers.
"A close look at an urban neighborhood in Chicago, South Shore, and the author's own relationship to that neighborhood from living there as a child and studying it as an adult."--Provied by publisher