A Critical Cinema 4 is the fourth volume in Scott MacDonald's Critical Cinema series, the most extensive, in-depth exploration of independent cinema available in English. In this new set of interviews, MacDonald once again engages filmmakers in detailed discussions of their films and of the personal experiences and political and theoretical currents that have shaped their work. The interviews are arranged to express the remarkable diversity of modern independent cinema and the network of interconnections within the community of filmmakers. A Critical Cinema 4 includes the most extensive interview with the late Stan Brakhage yet published; a conversation with P. Adams Sitney about his arrival on the New York independent film scene; a detailed discussion with Peter Kubelka about the experience of making Our African Journey; a conversation with Jill Godmilow and Harun Farocki on modern political documentary; Jim McBride's first extended published conversation in thirty years; a discussion with Abigail Child about her evolution from television documentarian to master editor; and the first extended interview with Chuck Workman. This volume also contains discussions with Chantal Akerman about her place trilogy; Lawrence Brose on his examination of Oscar Wilde's career; Hungarian Peter Forgács about his transformation of European home movies into video operas; Iranian-born Shirin Neshat on working between two cultures; and Ellen Spiro about exploring America with her video camera and her dog. Each interview is supplemented by an introductory overview of the filmmaker's contributions. A detailed filmography and a selected bibliography complete the volume.
Or : we can write haiku with our cameras . Today we can say : we can write philosophical treatises with ... During the last screening at the Anthology Film Archives ( 1971 ! ) there were fist fights in the auditorium and at least two ...
Gerald Mast , Marshall Cohen , and Leo Braudy . New York : Oxford University Press , 1992 . Wright , Gene . Horrorshows : The A - to - Z of Horror Film , Television , Radio , and Theater . New York : Facts on File Publications , 1986 .
Mark Lewis
Sherman 's March explores the paralysis that occurs when people are talking about their emotions rather than acting on them. That's a phenomenon we're saddled with in the Northeast. MacDonald: Your particular presence as a narratorial ...
Albie Thoms - David Perry: Selected Filmwork (1964-1992), Dialogues (1994)
In high school she was a jock , along with all these other girls . There was a lot of joking around in the locker room . Sex ? No , a bit of fondling , sensuality , and jokes . And of all those women she was the only one who left that ...
That's another narrative element in the film, an elaborate memento mori. This isn't unduly morbid. The best possible mental state to be in is one in which you are clearly conscious of your personal mortality.
Discusses avant garde films produced during the sixties, and considers the work of Stan Brakhage and Andy Warhol
This book offers a visually unique approach to Frank¿s films: only new stills taken from videotapes have been used and they add up to a visual essay on Frank¿s cinema that establishes an engaging dialogue with his photographic work.
The first of these three interactions explains why Kerouac and Ginsberg are seated on the floor in Warhol's movie . ... Kerouac and Warhol concerning the toilet is perhaps the most revelatory regarding Warhol's filmmaking procedures .