Publisher description
On Longing
Smith , B. , European Vision and the South Pacific , Melbourne : Oxford University Press , 1960 . - , with contributions from Terry Smith , Australian Painting 1788-1990 , third edition , Melbourne : Oxford University Press , 1991 .
Examines what the female libido is, how it works, and why it is being depleted, in an exploration of sexual desire that draws from physiological and psychological sources as well as interviews with women from varying backgrounds.
Using the Internet, the neuroscientists Ogas and Gaddam quietly observed the raw sexual behaviors of half a billion people.
Labyrinth of Desire: Women, Passion, and Romantic Obsession
""A collection of poetry charting a young woman's journey through the extravagant and brutal terrain of desire.
Now, in her fascinating book about female desire and empowerment, internationally renowned Jungian analyst and author Polly Young-Eisendrath explores this idea further.
'The history of desire in India,' writes Madhavi Menon in this splendid book, 'reveals not purity but impurity as a way of life.
A series of short books by the world's greatest writers on the experiences that make us human Also in the Vintage Minis series: Love by Jeanette Winterson Psychedelics by Aldous Huxley Eating by Nigella Lawson Summer by Laurie Lee
BOTANIKUM . AUSSEN . TAG . Esther biegt in ein Botanikum etwas abseits des Gartens ein ... endlich lässt sie Seymour los . Esther und Seymour rasen durch das Botanikum , vorbei an hohen Pflanzen und dichten Blättern .