"Stéphane Dufoix has written the most exhaustive, critical, and analytically sophisticated introduction to diasporas. It resists overemphasizing the transformative power of the present era of globalization and puts the formation of diasporas in a perspective of longue durée that includes previous periods of global integration and diasporic dispersion. Similarly, he avoids the 'beyond the nation-state' trend in the transnationalism literature and shows convincingly that diasporas are intimately linked, in various and contradictory ways, to the politics of the contemporary nation-state."--Andreas Wimmer, University of California ,Los Angeles "A work of exemplary range, clarity, and erudition, providing both an introduction and a deft critical reformulation. Diaspora, for Dufoix, is both a complex history and a cluster of proliferating discourses and practices whose future is undetermined. A lucid introduction and an original contribution to scholarship." --James Clifford, University of California, Santa Cruz "By carefully tracing its origins and development, Stéphane Dufoix has produced an elegant and richly rewarding guide to the concept of 'diaspora.' The word can be used both too narrowly (confining the idea to the Jewish case) and too broadly (allowing virtually all minorities to qualify). We need a sure-footed guide to the complexities and ambiguities of 'diaspora' and we have found one in Stéphane Dufoix. I warmly recommend this instructive book."--Robin Cohen, University of Oxford, and author of Global Diasporas "Stéphane Dufoix has given us a brilliant exploration of the many meanings and boundaries of the term 'diaspora'. Its far longer and diverse history than is commonly thought will come as a surprise to some. Dufoix's theoretical and analytical engagement with the term, and the erudition he brings to it, are an invitation to a whole new debate."--Saskia Sassen, author of Territory, Authority, Rights: From Medieval to Global Assemblages "In Diasporas Stéphane Dufoix gives us an excellent introduction to and overview of a fascinating and very complex topic. Considering this phenomenon from a variety of perspectives, including etymological, historical, and cultural, he shows how different populations and groups of scholars have used the idea of diaspora to conceptualize their own identities, and the strengths and weaknesses of using the concept of diaspora to do so. Dufoix's discussion of space and contemporary virtual communities is particularly fascinating. This is a very welcome addition to an ever-growing literature."--Tyler Stovall, University of California, Berkeley
Douce Croft, dau. of Nicholas de Croft. 34. SIR THOMAS STRICKLAND, d. 1497; m. Agnes Parr, dau. of Sir Thomas Parr, by Alice Tunstall, dau. of Thomas Tunstall, co. Lancs. (CP lll: 377; Clay 157; Topo. etGen. lll:352-360). 35.
My Name Is Yun Jin/SSN/P
Inteligencia migratoria: ¿me quedo o me voy?
The best I had was a boatswain named Harry Figg . Harry knew everything , and then a bit more . As soon as my watch was over , he'd sit me down and drill me like any master . We called the forecastle ' Harry's School .
"Three contemporary artists have drawn upon the site and stories of the former Quarantine Station at Sydney's North Head to create an immersive exhibition experience in response to issues around migration, quarantine and place.
These collected works are used as the framework whereby a story of modern day immigration can be told. Fairy tales can be told and retold in infinite variety to accommodate new social or moral lessons.
Place to Place
Ethnic minorities and community relations: Migration and settlement in Britain ; Block 1: Unit 3. Migrant labour in Europe
151–2; Stark, O, and Bloom, D, 'The new economics of labor migration', The American Economic Review 75(2), 1985, pp. 173–8; Taylor, J E, 'The new economics of labour migration and the role of remittances in the migration process', ...
Fiona Williams, Social policy: a critical introduction (Cambridge: Polity, 1989), pp. 76–7. 109. Mary Lennon, Marie McAdam, Joanne O'Brien, Across the water: Irish women's lives in Britain (London: Virago, 1988), p. 26. 110.