Describes one political refugee's long and difficult struggle through immigration processing, detailing his imprisonment in Kenya, his escape to the U.S., and the ordeal of dealing with a bureaucracy that sought to deport him.
The report uses real case examples and Human Rights First's own refugee representation experience to demonstrate the harmful effects of the provision.
36 Ibid 269; Dummett, A and Nicol, A Subjects, Citizens, Aliens and Others (Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1990) 265. 37 Walzer, M Spheres of Justice: A Defence of Pluralism and Equality (Martin Robertson 1983). 38 Ibid, 62. 39 Ibid, 39.
The United States has a long tradition of offering a haven to those who flee persecution. While there is much in the US treatment of refugees which is commendable, this...
It follows the gripping stories of people like Saúl Reyes, forced to flee his home after a drug cartel murdered several members of his family, and Delmy Calderón, a forty-two-year-old woman leading an eight-woman hunger strike in an El ...
We Built the Wall is an immersive, engrossing story of a new front in the immigration wars.
Asylum – A Right Denied Human Rights Watch 'Managing Migration Means Potential EU Complicity in Neighbouring States' Abuse of Migrants and Refugees' Number 2 (Human Rights Watch October 2006) Human Rights Watch Pushed Back, ...
They audit, investigate, perform analyses, issue legal decisions and report anything that the government is doing. This is one of their reports.
This is a must-read book for lawmakers, judges and anyone who wants to become better informed on this important issue.
It follows the gripping stories of people like Saúl Reyes, forced to flee his home after a drug cartel murdered several members of his family, and Delmy Calderón, a forty-two-year-old woman leading an eight-woman hunger strike in an El ...