In Between Earth and Sky, a rich tapestry of personal stories, information, and illustrations, world-renowned canopy biologist Nalini M. Nadkarni becomes our captivating guide to the leafy wilderness above our heads. Through her luminous narrative, we embark on a multifaceted exploration of trees that reveals the profound connections we have with them, the dazzling array of things they can provide us, and the powerful lessons they teach us.
Crafted with unforgettable characters, Rebecca Roanhorse has created an epic adventure exploring the decadence of power amidst the weight of history and the struggle of individuals swimming against the confines of society and their broken ...
Through the guidance of his uncle and the retelling of various Native American legends, a young boy learns that everything living and inanimate has its place, and should be considered sacred and given respect.
Is there a future for Naranpa in a transformed Tova without her total destruction? Welcome back to the fantasy series of the decade in Fevered Star—book two of Between Earth and Sky.
An engaging and innovative book about Architecture, Creativity and a Balanced World. At its highest level, architecture is the pursuit of poetic form. As in literary poetry it employs...
That was some farmer's or miller's son, or—” “An Asharite farmer or miller, then, or a fucking smith come to dispossess our own! Tax our faith or kill us for it! Rot them all, girl! What would you have me do?
A mysterious, unforgettable, and romantic protagonist, Vango tells a thrilling story sure to captivate lovers of daring escapades and subversive heroes.
Part epistolary, part narrative, Between Earth and Sky forms a love letter to the land itself and to those who chose to people it.
Mandy Heiser Bruce Harlick Ellen Denham Jason Wodicka Ronya McCool Shannon Ridler Sherry Peters Adria Laycraft Matthew S. Rotundo Jamie Ridler Susan Shell Winston Rita Oakes Julie Miyamoto Barbara Barnett-Stewart Stephen Gallagher ...
Sarah J. Maas's brand-new CRESCENT CITY series begins with House of Earth and Blood: the story of half-Fae and half-human Bryce Quinlan as she seeks revenge in a contemporary fantasy world of magic, danger, and searing romance.
Thus, the Sun is losing weight in order to shine brightly – at the rate of 5 million tons each second. Although the Sun is consuming itself at a prodigal rate, the loss of material is insignificant in comparison with its total mass.