"Since the end of the Cold War, globalization-both the process and the idea-has been reshaping the world. An array of new global studies scholarship has emerged to make sense of the various transnational manifestations of globalization-economic, social, cultural, ideological, technological, environmental, postcolonial, and technological. However, following a series of crises in the first two decades of the 21st century, the neoliberal globalization system of the 1990s has come under severe strain. Are we witnessing a turn toward "deglobalization" intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic and the Ukraine War, or a moment of "reglobalization" spearheaded by digital technology? The contributors to this book employ transdisciplinary research strategies to assess pertinent past developments, the current state, and future trajectories of globalization in light of the current dynamics of insecurity, volatility, and geopolitical tensions"--
"In March, Tim Key got locked down, found an orange pen and started writing poems. Then he started writing down his conversations. Zoom, phone, yelled heart-to-hearts from kitchen window to pavement. This book is the result.
You Discombobulate Me
"This book researches the post-pandemic changes in the functions of social policy and public administration and introduces and guides users through the current best practices, laboratory methods, policies, protocols, and more within cyber ...
Abstract: Informal caregivers form a shadow workforce projected to grow even more essential as the U.S. population ages.
Following the bestselling Festival of Brexit and A Prat's Progress, star satirist Cold War Steve returns with a viral vengeance with his Journal of the Plague Year.
This open access book presents the first step towards building socio-life science, a field of science investigating humans in such a way that both social and life-scientific factors are integrated.
In Augury, sublime landscapes and natural phenomena take on the surreal and fantastic as the artists capture them through layers of mysticism.
He's Photoshopped the people out--or else a sunny daylight in--in what must have been shots from the dead of night. But no: This is the capital of the world in lockdown.
Avoidant coping predicted state anxiety and depression; more time spent watching or reading COVID-19 related news predicted all three outcome variables; intolerance of uncertainty predicted state anxiety and health anxiety, and looming ...
It blurred the boundaries between work and non-work, infusing ambiguity into everyday activities.