A comprehensive study of recent African history, examining the political, social, and economic effects of colonialism.
Colonialism in Africa
In Power in Colonial Africa: Conflict and Discourse in Lesotho, 1870–1960, Elizabeth A. Eldredge analyzes a panoply of archival and oral resources, visual signs and symbols, and public and private actions to show how power may be ...
Methodologically innovative, Naming Colonialism advances a new approach that shows how a cultural process—the naming of Europeans—can provide a point of entry into economic and social histories.
A comprehensive study of recent African history, examining the political, social, and economic effects of colonialism
An insightful look at the onset of colonialism in Central Africa from economic, religious, and political perspectives, examining the ultimately tragic participation of African elites in colonial rule.
How colonial governments in Asia and Africa financed their activities and why fiscal systems varied across colonies reveals the nature and long-term effects of colonial rule.
Originally published in 1968, this book became the standard work on the colonial period in the vast and varied areas of the coast and hinterland of West Africa.
Transforming Capitalism and Patriarchy: Gender and Development in Africa (Lynne Rienner, 1996). Gould, Stephen Jay. “The Hottentot Venus,” Natural History 91:10 (1982) 20–27. Gould, Stephen Jay. The Mismeasure of Man (Norton, 1981).