A new explanation of the beginnings of Jewish angelology and demonology, drawing on non-canonical writings and Aramaic Dead Sea Scrolls.
In this book, Annette Yoshiko Reed considers the third century BCE as a critical moment for the beginnings of Jewish angelology and demonology.
Brock , S. “ A Fragment of Enoch in Syriac . ” JTS 19 ( 1968 ) : 626–31 . Brock , S. “ Jewish Traditions in Syriac Sources . ... Cohen , S. J. D. “ A Virgin Defiled : Some Rabbinic and Christian Views on the Origins of Heresy .
Angels in Ancient Jewish Culture Mika Ahuvia. Steinberg, Jonah. ... The Myth of Rebellious Angels: Studies in Second Temple Judaism and New Testament Texts. ... Mystical Prayer in Ancient Judaism: An Analysis of Maaseh Merkavah.
14 On the language of “diversity” and what hides and conveys, see Karen King, “Factions, Variety, Diversity, Multiplicity: Representing Early Christian Differences for the 21st Century,” MTSR 23 (2011): 216–37, as well as my discussion ...
I would in fact recommend this book, not because of the answers it gives, but the questions it raises. -- Philip R. Davies in Journal of Semitic Studies 55 (2010) This work is marked by several strengths.
Aliens, Angels, & Demons takes us on a journey from the secret teachings about Inner Earth and Pre-Adamic civilized humanity to the many extraterrestrial races in outer space, their relationship to us (and to G-d), and our collective human ...
Henze introduces the four-century gap between the Old and New Testaments and some of the writings produced during this period (different Old Testaments, the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha, the Dead Sea Scrolls); discusses how these texts have ...
Drawing upon the expertise of scholars of Classics, Ancient History, Jewish Studies and Patristics, this volume explores the different functions of heavenly imagery in different texts and traditions in order to map the patterns of unity and ...
3 For an early, though brief attempt in this direction, see Thomas Francis Glasson, Greek Influence in Jewish Eschatology with Special Reference to the Apocalypses and Pseudepigrapha (London: SPCK, 1961).
8 The Watchers Traditions in the Book of the Watchers and the Animal Apocalypse Karina Martin Hogan The most striking and influential traditions in the Book of the Watchers (1 Enoch 1–36) are the myths about the rebellion of the ...