An exciting new series that covers the five Paper 2 topics of the IB 20th Century World History syllabus. This coursebook covers Paper 2, Topic 1, Causes, practices and effects of wars, in the 20th Century World History syllabus for the IB History programme. It is divided into thematic sections, following the IB syllabus structure and is written in clear, accessible English. It covers the following areas for detailed study: First World War (1914-18); Second World War (1939-45); Asia and Oceania: Chinese Civil War (1927-37 and 1946-9); and Europe and Middle East: Spanish Civil War (1936-9). Tailored to the requirements and assessment objectives of the IB syllabus, it allows students to make comparisons between different regions and time periods.
While Sumner became a Northern martyr,Brooks became a Southern hero. Resigning from Congress,Brooks stoodfor reelection andwon easily. Scores of Southerners sent himnew canes to replace the onehehad broken when beating Sumner.
Some will have 2 marks, others 3 marks. For such questions, write only a short answer, making 2 or 3 points – save your longer answers for the questions carrying the higher marks. 2 Cross-referencing/comparing or contrasting two sources ...
US President Jimmy Carter announced in 1977 that US support to Nicaragua should no longer be considered automatic. The US ambassador to Nicaragua went on to advise Somoza that he should step down at the end of 1980 once his term ...
The AfricanAmerican Struggle for Civil Rights in the Twentieth Century, Pearson, 1998. An incisive and critical evaluation of many aspects of the struggle for civil rights. Particularly useful in its analysis of the importance of ...
2 Cross-referencing/comparing or contrasting two sources – try to write an integrated comparison, e.g. comment on how the two sources deal with one aspect, then compare/contrast the sources on another aspect.
Also, if the question asks for 'causes/reasons' and 'consequences/results', or two different countries/leaders, make sure you deal with all the parts of the question. Otherwise, you will limit yourself to half marks at best.
Ltd, founded by Samuel Pearson in 1884. Pearson rebuilt a railroad connecting the Pacific with the Atlantic at the country's narrowest point, the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, but only after the government had provided costly infrastructure ...
This second edition of Access to History for the IB Diploma: Causes, practices and effects of wars provides: - Reliable, clear and in-depth narrative from topic experts - Analysis of the historiography surrounding key debates - Dedicated ...
Some will have 2 marks, others 3 marks. For such questions, write only a short answer, making 2 or 3 points – save your longer answers for the questions carrying the higher marks. 2 Assessing the value and limitations of one source.
This book has been written to support your study of HL option 2: History of the Americas, Topic 13: The Second World War and the Americas 1933–45 of the IB History Diploma. This introduction gives you an overview of: • the content you ...