Between the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968 and the singing of the Helinski accords in August 1975, major changes occurred in the condition of the East-West conflict and more generally in the structure of great-power relations which had been built up since the end of the Second World War. This collection of documents, which includes the main speeches, treaties and agreements concluded between these two events, has been designed to illustrate the nature of these changes. The volume if prefaced by an analytical essay by the editors, and is subsequently divided into six sections. The first four deal respectively with the final ending of the cold war through the resolution of the problem of the two Germanies; the ending of the Vietnam War and the formal entry of the People's Republic of China into the international system; the diplomacy of detente between the super-powers and in Europe; and changes within the Western Alliance involving both NATO and the EEC, and in the Warsaw Pact.
The author looks at parties, trade unions, industry and finance in Britain since 1974. The previous volumes are "Britain in Search of Balance, 1940-61" and "Threats to the Postwar Settlement,...
... international contagion from happening again.20 DECADES LATER, IT IS DIFFICULT TO RECAPTURE THE MINDSET that prevailed when the bank supervisors convened in a drab meeting room above Frey's Confectionery in Basel in February 1975.
Role Quests in the Post-Cold War Era examines the question of foreign policy change through a comparative analysis of the Great Powers' reactions to the transformations in international relations after the Cold War.
Contributors to this volume were chosen for their ability to conceive of topics in unconventional and provocative ways.
GEORGE F. KENNAN2 A New Administration in a New World In the 1992 campaign that made him the 42nd president of the United States, Bill Clinton frequently invoked the memory of the nation's 35th chief executive, John F. Kennedy.
Postwar is the first modern history that covers all of Europe, both east and west, drawing on research in six languages to sweep readers through thirty-four nations and sixty years of political and cultural change-all in one integrated, ...
945 Until the spring war , however , America's relations with Russia had become distinctly friendly during most of the Clinton presidency , both because the collapse and fragmentation of the Soviet Union left Russia weaker and more ...
This volume compares films from the late Cold War era with films of the same genre, or of similar themes, from the post-Cold War era, paying particular attention to shifts in narrative that reflect changes in American culture, attitudes, ...
Rather than divide this period into such traditional categories as "women," "television," and "politics," contributors take a cross-topical approach that emphasizes the interconnectedness of American life and society.Beginning with an ...
This need encouraged Turkey to take active steps in Post Cold War era. This book analyzes Turkey s relations with US, EU, Balkans, Middle East, Caucasus, Central Asia, Russia, China and Japan.