Human ecology is ultimately part of a general theory of society. This is the argument developed here by Roy Ellen, whose exploration of the interplay between social organization and ecology in small-scale subsistence systems has direct bearings both on the investigation of human environmental relations in general and on contemporary social theory. He argues that while ecological study of non-industrial societies cannot be elevated to the status of theory, domain or discipline, it can be represented as a single 'problematic' that historically has acquired some degree of autonomy and which continues to make a significant contribution to a wider anthropology. Dr Ellen introduces his subject matter through an extended and systematic discussion of some major frameworks developed within the last hundred years to examine and explain facets of the relationship between culture, social organization and the environment: determinism, possibilism, cultural ecology, systems theory and ideas derived from modern biology. He follows this with a detailed review and appraisal of important recent research involving the use of ecological models, methods and data. This original and innovative study of the pre-eminently social character of human ecological relations will be of considerable interest to all students and researchers concerned with understanding the nature of the relationship between human beings and their environments.
This book is organized into five parts encompassing 14 chapters. The first part deals with the theory and applications of human ecology.
... Borneo : Ethnic Identity and Social Life in a Stratified Society . Oxford : Clarendon Press . Salafsky , N. 1994 ... Science Research and Conservation Management in the Interior of Borneo : Unravelling Past and Present Interactions of ...
Next, the selection deals with human ecology and cultural ecology. Chapter 4 covers system, ecosystem, and social system. The text also talks about the ecological transition, along with the culture-ecology relationship.
An important emphasis in this text is on the nature of contemporary ecological issues, how peoples worldwide adapt to them, and what the Western world can learn from their experiences.
Maintaining the structure and clarity of the previous edition, the second edition has been revised throughout to include new research, expanded discussions of climate change, and a chapter devoted to spiritual ecology.
The book focuses on establishing a framework for this new field of study, identifying problems that must be overcome if we are to deepen our understanding of the human dimensions of global change, presenting conclusions and recommendations.
Bennett, John W. 1986. “Anthropology and Development: The Ambiguous Engagement.” In John W. Bennett and John R. Bowen, Production and Autonomy: Anthropological Critiques and Research on Development. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Cambridge , England : Cambridge University Centre for Latin American Studies . Barney , G. O. , ed . 1980. Global 2000 Report to the President . Entering the Twenty - first Century . Vol . 2 : Technical Report . Report prepared by the ...
In Papers from the Eighth Regional Meeting , Chicago : Chicago Linguistic Society Lakoff , G. and M. Johnson . 1980. Metaphors We Live By . ... In Tools , Language and Cognition in Human Evolution , eds K.R. Gibson and T. Ingold .
Ecological Anthropology