A series of interconnected studies which analyze the seven surviving tragedies by Sophocles.
Tragedy and Civilization begins with a study of these themes and then proceeds to detailed discussions of each of the seven plays. For this edition Segal also provides a new preface discussing recent developments in the study of Sophocles.
Without resorting to the jargon often employed by contemporary critics, this book covers all major aspects and questions raised by the play.
This innovative study of Sophocles' Trachiniae deepens our appreciation of the enigmatic nature of Sophoclean tragedy and its place in the Athens of the Sophists. By carefully examining the play's...
A Companion to Sophocles presents the first comprehensive collection of essays in decades to address all aspects of the life, works, and critical reception of Sophocles.
A collection of eight critical essays on the classical tragedy, arranged in the chronological order of their original publication.
Taken together, the essays reflect profound changes in the study of Greek tragedy in the United States during this period-in particular, the increasing emphasis on myth, psychoanalytic interpretation, structuralism, and semiotics.
Paralipomena Sophoclea, Supplementary Notes on the Text and Interpretation of Sophocles by Lewis Campbell.
In a series of interconnected essays, Charles Segal studies five of Sophocles' seven extant plays: Ajax, Oedipus Tyrannus, Philoctetes, Antigone, and the often neglected Trachinian Women.
The Plays of Sophocles: Commentaries
Genre and Meaning in Sophocles' Ajax