This volume brings together a set of ten IELTS-related research studies - four on Speaking and six on Writing - conducted between 1995 and 2001. The ten studies were funded under the auspices of the British Council/IELTS Australia Joint-funded Research Program which promotes research activity among IELTS test stakeholders around the world. Findings from the studies provided valuable evidence on the validity, reliability, impact and practicality of the IELTS test; they were also instrumental in highlighting aspects needing attention, and so directly informed the revised design and implementation of the IELTS Speaking and Writing Modules introduced in 2001 and 2005. The volume reviews and comments on the specific contribution of each study to the ongoing process of IELTS speaking and writing test development; it also evaluates the range of research methodologies used in the projects and discusses their usefulness for researchers working in the broader field of performance assessment.
... Oral Language Tests Anne Lazaraton Continuity and Innovation: Revising the Cambridge Proficiency in English Examination 1913–2002 Edited by Cyril J. Weir and Michael Milanovic A Modular Approach to Testing English Language Skills: ...
Assessing Academic English: Testing English proficiency 1950-1989 — the IELTS solution Alan Davies Impact Theory and ... A Modular Approach to Testing English Language Skills: The development of the Certificates in English Language ...
London : Longman / Pearson Education . Hughes , A. ( 2003 ) Testing for language teachers , 2nd edition . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . International English Language Testing System ( 2005 ) The IELTS Handbook .
... of Oral Language Tests Anne Lazaraton Continuity and Innovation: Revising the Cambridge Proficiency in English Examination 1913-2002 Edited by Cyrill Weir and Michael Milanovic A Modular Approach to Testing English Language Skills: ...
... of Oral Language Tests Anne Lazaraton Continuity and Innovation: Revising the Cambridge Proficiency in English Examination 1913-2002 Edited by Cyrill Weir and Michael Milanovic A Modular Approach to Testing English Language Skills: ...
Weir Examining FCE and CAE: Key issues and recurring themes in developing the First Certificate in English and Certificate in Advanced English exams Roger Hawkey Language Testing Matters: Investigating the wider social and educational ...
Weir Examining FCE and CAE: Key issues and recurring themes in developing the First Certificate in English and Certificate in Advanced English exams Roger Hawkey Language Testing Matters: Investigating the wider social and educational ...
This is the first volume of its kind wholly dedicated to language teacher assessment and as such will be of interest to language teachers and teacher educators as well as to researchers and postgraduate students"--
Harrison, J and Barker, F (Eds) (2015) English Profile in Practice, English Profile Studies volume 5, Cambridge: UCLES/Cambridge University Press. Hawkey, R (2004) A Modular Approach to Testing English Language Skills: The Development ...
This book will be of great interest for academics, researchers, and post-graduate students in the fields of language assessment literacy and English language teaching.