Fortissimo! is a key stage 4 music course to fit the initiatives of the national curriculum with performing, composing, listening and appraising being an integral part. The material in the Fortissimo! CD's covers a wide variety of music from the 13th century to the 1990s and offers the chance to study musical styles and instruments from a variety of cultures. At regular intervals throughout the book, there are double-page colour spreads displaying fascinating visual stimulus material to spark off original ideas for composing and improvising.
Do your Bob Dylan albums sound better on CD vinyl? John Powell, a scientist and musician, answers these questions and many more in How Music Works, an intriguing and original guide to acoustics.
Volume 1, pages 338-366: Publisher's list.
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Schwann Opus
The book is written by an experienced teacher using methods refined over more than ten years in his private teaching studio and in schools. --from publisher description.
Durch die Eindrücke der Schallwellen ist dem warmen Wachs eine Form gegeben worden, die sich durch den Apparat und seine Schalldose in tönendes Leben übersetzt. Die Stimme ist 'materialisiert' worden. Wir können ihr Bild mit dem ...
Reviews thousands of British, American, and European classical recordings on CD, DVD, and SACD.