... 182 & n.2 , 183 & 184 n.6 , 204 & 205 Wedgwood , Clement Francis , 157 & n.4 , 182 & 183 nn.10 & 12 , 212 & 213 n.18 & 214 n.19 , 216–17 n.6 & nn.3 & 79 & 218 nn.11-18 & 219 nn.19 & Wedgwood , Constance Rose , 157 & n.5 20 , 220–22 ...
D ! Duncan , 2 & I hope it will be a pleasanter party than the last ; which a very specimen of stupidity . What an extraordinary old man he is , now being past 80 , & continuing to lecture . D ! Hawley hints that he is rapidly failing .
George Beccaloni , Milton Forsyth , Quentin Keynes , Chris Kohler , Joseph Sakmyster , and John Wilson have generously provided photocopies of or information about newly found letters , and Richard Brent provided photocopies of letters ...
Charles Darwin, Frederick Burkhardt, Sydney Smith James A. Secord, Alison M. Pearn ... A mesure que dans le monde antediluvien ces communications ont cessées et que les crevasses on été remplies par l'injection de matieres minerales ...
2 CD evidently forwarded the material to Duncan because, like Lonsdale, he specialised in fossil corals. ... believe to remain |Dear Madam, | Yours faithfully | Ch. Darwin P.S. Ishd. much like to hear the results of Mr. H's experiments.
Oxford : Oxford University Press [ in association with the ] Royal Botanic Gardens . . 1994. Dictionary of British and Irish botanists and horticulturists including plant collectors , flower painters and garden designers .
This volume is part of the definitive edition of letters written by and to Charles Darwin, the most celebrated naturalist of the nineteenth century.
S.E. May 5th My dear Dr. Haast I have just received the list of candidate proposed by Council ... your proposal paper was never sent for my signature & when I enquired it was too late as the paper was already suspended.
Lieutenant Bartholomew Sulivan, the principal surveyor, mapped the central islands, which were the most poorly represented on earlier maps. FitzRoy honored his achievement with two place names—Sulivan Bay (today commonly misspelled ...
Provides a complete listing of the known correspondence of Charles Darwin.
In 1859 Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species. With this bedrock of biology books, Darwin carved a new origin-story for all life: evolution rather than creation. But this single book is not the whole story.