Argues that landscapes are not only culturally produced, but they also influence governing ideas of political and religious life.
Urban Landscapes, Cultural Documents, and Interpretive Experiences Robbie B. H. Goh, Brenda S. A. Yeoh. Acknowledgements This volume represents a selection of papers first presented at an International Conference on the City as Text . Urban ...
... the city (in spite of its own ambitions to unity and order) as a site of “self-divisive violence,” of “troubled ambivalence.” Readings, however varied, can never pretend to exhaustiveness, especially when the text is one as complex as ...
This collection of essays by English and American writers focuses on New York life from the perspectives of several disciplines and life experiences.
Contributors with backgrounds in urban planning, sociology, cultural studies, architecture, art history, geography, and philosophy reflect on the construction of both the real and the unreal city, the images, metaphors and discourses ...
Indústria, arquitectura e arte na obra fotográfica de Hans Günter Flieg, 1940–1980, Hans Günter Flieg, organized by Sérgio Burgi, Instituto Moreira Salles, 2014, pp. 32–33. Ferraz, Maria Heloisa Corrêa de ...
Theorizing the Southeast Asian City as Text examines the ways in which culture, ethnicity, languages, traditions, governance, policies and histories interplay in the creation of the urban experiences in contemporary Southeast Asian cities.
The essays in this collection discuss how the city is ‘textualized’, and address many aspects of how texts and images are written and produced in, and about, cities.
This timely interdisciplinary book considers national identity through the lens of urban spaces.
... The City as Text: New York and the American Writer”. TriQuaterly 83 (1991): 183–204. Flower, Benjamin Orange. “From Civilization's Inferno”. Maggie: A Girl of the Streets. An Authoritative Text, Backgrounds and Sources, the Author and ...
Literature and the Real World Morris Dickstein. THE CITY AS TEXT : NEW YORK AND THE AMERICAN WRITER If the City is a text , how shall we read it ? —Joyce Carol Oates CITIES ARE CONSTRUCTIONS of steel and stone , accumulations of humanity ...