This practical coursebook introduces all the basics of semantics in a simple, step-by-step fashion. Each unit includes short sections of explanation with examples, followed by stimulating practice exercises to complete in the book. Feedback and comment sections follow each exercise to enable students to monitor their progress. No previous background in semantics is assumed, as students begin by discovering the value and fascination of the subject and then move through all key topics in the field, including sense and reference, simple logic, word meaning and interpersonal meaning. New study guides and exercises have been added to the end of each unit to help reinforce and test learning. A completely new unit on non-literal language and metaphor, plus updates throughout the text significantly expand the scope of the original edition to bring it up-to-date with modern teaching of semantics for introductory courses in linguistics as well as intermediate students.
The book is accessibly written, with complex terms and concepts explained in an easy to understand and approachable manner.
This book presents an innovative and novel approach to linguistic semantics, starting from the idea that language can be described as a mechanism for the expression of linguistic Meanings as particular surface forms, or Texts.
We are pleased to have had Tondl's kind cooperation in producing this English edition, actually a third edition, of his research about semantics.
Kamp, J.A.W., 'Two theories about adjectives,' Formal Semantics of Natural Language, pp. 123- 55, ed. by EX. Keenan, Cambridge: University Press, 1975. 60. Kamp, Hans, 'Semantics versus pragmatics,' Formal Semantics and Pragmatics for ...
Animals, too, can get their meanings across without words. In What It All Means, linguist Philippe Schlenker explains how meaning works, from monkey calls to human language, from spoken language to sign language, from gestures to music.
of language, as a language exists as a mechanismfor co-ordination among multiple agents, then the meaning ofan URI is the use ofthe URI ... Therefore, natural language processing itself is not a firm foundation for semantics on the Web.
Robert C. Berwick and Amy S. Weinberg 12. Introduction to the Theory of Grammar , Henk van Riemsdijk and Edwin Williams 13. Word and Sentence Prosody in Serbocroation , Ilse Lehiste and Pavle Ivić 14. The Representation of ( In ) ...
Semantics: An Introduction to the Science of Meaning
This study ranges across a wide variety of languages and cultures in an attempt to identify concepts which are truly universal and to explore whether certain words are culture-specific.
The most general goal of this book is to propose and illustrate a program of research in word semantics that combines some of the methodology and results in linguistic semantics, primarily that of the generative semantics school, with the ...