Third edition of leading textbook offering an advanced overview of all major perspectives of research in cross-cultural psychology.
This book situates the essential areas of psychology within acultural perspective, exploring the relationship of culture topsychological phenomena, from introduction and research foundationsto clinical and social principles and applications ...
Handbook of Cross-cultural Psychology: Triandis, H. C. and Brislin, R. W., editors. Social psychology
This is an integrated introduction to methods, research design, and data analysis tailored to the challenges of cross-cultural research.
The dynamic author team brings a diverse set of experiences in writing this book. Eric Shiraev was raised in the former Soviet Union and David Levy is from Southern California.
Since then , other researchers , in particular Rohner and his collaborators ( Rohner & Pettengill , 1985 ; Trommsdorff , 1985 ) have come up with similar findings . They found that for Korean and Japanese adolescents perceived parental ...
This four volume set spans all areas of cross-cultural psychology, with particular emphasis on those areas in which the acclaimed editors, Peter Smith and Deborah Best, consider to have experienced the most recent progress, namely ...
Handbook of Cross-cultural Psychology
Eloquently introducing students to international perspectives on cross-cultural psychology (both Eastern and Western cultures), this textbook contains many features to promote student learning.
Banks, J. A., & Banks, C. A. (2004). The handbook of research on multicultural education (2nd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Bennett, C. I. (2006). Comprehensive multicultural education: Theory and practice (6th ed.).
This compilation of conference proceedings consists of 44 separate "chapters" or selections that are spread over about ten sections.