In this comparative study of shipping interdiction, Douglas Guilfoyle considers the State action of stopping, searching and arresting foreign flag vessels and crew on the high seas in cases such as piracy, slavery, drug smuggling, fisheries management, migrant smuggling, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and maritime terrorism. Interdiction raises important questions of jurisdiction, including: how permission to board a foreign vessel is obtained; whether boarding State or flag State law applies during the interdiction (or whether both apply); and which State has jurisdiction to prosecute any crimes discovered. Rules on the use of force and protection of human rights, compensation for wrongful interdiction and the status of boarding State officers under flag State law are also examined. A unified and practical view is taken of the law applicable across existing interdiction regimes based on an extensive survey of state practice.
The principal aim of this book is to address the international legal questions arising from the 'right of visit on the high seas' in the twenty-first century.
Third Edition J. Ashley Roach, Robert W. Smith ... In particular, Admiral Mullen, now Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, testified in 2003 that becoming a Party to the Convention “would greatly strengthen [the Navy's] ability to ...
75 But see Ian Patrick Barry, 'The Right of Visit, Search and Seizure of Foreign Flagged Vessels on the High Seas Pursuant to Customary International Law: A Defense of the Proliferation Security Initiative' (2004) 33 Hofstra Law Review ...
... Agreement Concerning Co-operation in Suppressing Illicit Maritime and Air Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances in the Caribbean Area (2003). 73 Klein (n 8) 136. 74 Agreement for the Implementation of the ...
This book is open access under a CC BY-NC 4.0 license.
Combating a Current Threat to Maritime Security through the Creation of a Cooperative Framework Patricia Mallia ... concerning cooperation to suppress illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances by sea and air ...
Nowak, M., and E. McArthur, The United Nations Convention against Torture: A Commentary (2008, Oxford University Press). O'Connell, D. P., (I. A. Shearer ed.), The International Law ofthe Sea, vol. I (1982), and vol.
"May 2009."--T.p.
... Agreement Concerning Cooperation in Suppressing Illicit Maritime and Air Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances in the Caribbean Area, april 10, 2003 Regarding the Agreement Concerning Cooperation in Suppressing ...
... of naval warfare in non-international armed conflicts. In: Watkin K, Norris A (eds) International Law Studies 88. Naval War College, Newport RI, pp. 211–236 Hirsch J (2004) Sierra Leone. In: Malone D (ed) The UN Security Council.