The European Garden Flora is the definitive manual for the accurate identification of cultivated ornamental flowering plants. Designed to meet the highest scientific standards, the vocabulary has nevertheless been kept as uncomplicated as possible so that the work is fully accessible to the informed gardener as well as to the professional botanist. This new edition has been thoroughly reorganised and revised, bringing it into line with modern taxonomic knowledge. Although European in name, the Flora covers plants cultivated in most areas of the United States and Canada as well as in non-tropical parts of Asia and Australasia. Volume 4 contains accounts of 82 families, mostly rather small, but including the Primulaceae (with Primula as its largest genus) and Ericaceae (with Rhododendron, the largest genus in the Flora).
A Manual for the Identification of Plants Cultivated in Europe, Both Out-of-Doors and Under Glass The European Garden ... keys by an asterisk ( * ) ; and the names of additional species are preceded by asterisks in the main descriptive ...
Illustration : Pennell , The Scrophulariaceae of eastern temperate North America , 376 ( 1935 ) ; Gleason , Illustrated Flora of the northeastern United States and adjacent Canada 3 : 239 ( 1952 ) ; Courtenay & Zimmerman , Wild flowers ...
Hardiness zone map for Europe included, with explanation on previous page. Identification manual for ornamental plants cultivated throughout the world. Comprehensive keys are provided at the family, genus, and species levels.
Species of only 2 genera are cultivated out - of - doors in northern Europe , and then only in very favoured locations . See figure 58 , p . 272 . 1a . Stamens free or almost so b . Stamens united into a tube below 1. Acacia 2.
A Manual for the Identification of Plants Cultivated in Europe, Both Out-of-doors and Under Glass. ... Hay , R. , McQuown , G.F.R. & Beckett , K. , Dictionary of indoor plants in colour , London ( 1974 ) . edn 2 ( 1985 ) . Hay .
Garden Flora surveys 133 of the most popular garden plants organized alphabetically by common name.
This book aims to fulfill the needs of people who are into orchid cultivation by providing botanically correct, yet easily accessible, information about this unique and exceptionally diverse group of plants.
The third book in Dr. Graf's renowned series of pictorial encyclopedias on ornamental plants in horticulture, this book present, in a kaleidoscope of eight thousand color photographs, more than ten...
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 58, 247–76. Hewitt, G. (2000). The genetic legacy of the Quaternary ice ages. Nature, 405,907–13. Heywood, V. H. (1976). Plant taxonomy, 2nd edn. Studies in Biology, No. 5. London: Arnold.
The history begins with two earth-changing events - the establishment of colonies in the Americas and the spread of the Turkish empire. Both brought the first astonishing wave of flowering exotics to gardens across Europe.