Analyzes approaches to the study of complexity in the physical, biological, and social sciences.
Foundations of Complex-system Theories begins with a description of the general features of complexity and then examines a range of important concepts, such as theories of composite systems, collective phenomena, emergent properties, and ...
This book outlines the foundations of modern complexity research as it arose from the cross-fertilization of ideas and tools from nonlinear science, statistical physics and numerical simulation.
Complex. System. Governance. Polinpapilinho F. Katina Abstract This chapter articulates the utility of system pathology ... 1 Introduction The operating landscape for systems in the 21st century has been described as ambiguous, complex, ...
Our intention is to draw together in this volume, we believe for the first time, a comprehensive picture of the manifold philosophically interesting impacts of recent developments in understanding nonlinear systems and the unique aspects of ...
Additional Readings 835 A discussion of parallel-processing simulations is found in: [5.3] B. M. Boghosian, ... Chapter 6 keywords: evolution; evolution (biology); heredity; adaptation(biology); variation (biology); natural selection; ...
This book provides a self-contained presentation of the physical and mathematical laws governing complex systems.
One of the first agent-based models was the sugarscape model, pioneered by the American epidemiologist Joshua Epstein and computational, social and political scientist Robert Axtell (Epstein and Axtell 1996). The sugarscape model is a ...
Bertalanffy's selected writings on his theory of lawsapplicable to virtually every scientific field.
In Complexity and Postmodernism, Paul Cilliers explores the idea of complexity in the light of contemporary perspectives from philosophy and science.
This book presents re search from the perspective of control and systems theory. The book has grown out of activities in the research program Control of Complex Systems (COSY).