A new translation of Plato's Laws into accessible English, with essential introductory and other explanatory material.
... Heinrich, 34727 Kritias, 11, 91, 112, 130, 133, 141, 171, 173, 201, 202, 340°, 37233 Kritobulos, 45, 46 Kriton, 30, 146, 295 Kroll, Josef, 341.1%, 34911, 350° Kroll, Wilhelm, 348, 368", 37.117 Kronos, 89, 208 Krüger, Gerhard, 347”, ...
Author Ken Dorter, in a passage-by-passage analysis traces Plato's depiction of how the most basic forms of human functioning and social justice contain the seed of their evolution into increasingly complex structures, as well as the seed ...
THE PLATO COLLECTION [47 BOOKS] | PLATO THE DIALOGUES OF PLATO B. JOWETT M. A. | CATHOLIC WAY PUBLISHING — The Complete Texts by one of the Greatest Philosophers that ever lived! — 43 Books by Plato; 14 Spurious Texts. 4 Books About ...
My first example, which relates directly to literature but has wider implications, is taken from aRambler essay of Samuel Johnson, athinker whose aesthetic convictions are inpart a kindof Platonism without the metaphysics.
The Dialogues of Plato
This collection features Plato's writings on sex and love in the preeminent translations of Stanley Lombardo, Paul Woodruff and Alexander Nehamas, D. S. Hutchinson, and C. D. C. Reeve.
Agora Publications offers these performances based on the assumption that Plato wrote these works to be performed by actors in order to stimulate additional dialogue among those who listen to them.
Apology: In this classic text, Plato recounts the trial of his mentor Socrates, who stands accused of rejecting the gods and corrupting the youth of Athens.
Designed for courses in the history of philosophy, social and political theory, government, and Plato specifically, Plato's Republic: Critical Essays will enrich students' understanding of this profoundly influential work.