A modern and thorough treatment of the field for upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses in materials science and chemistry.
solid-state and materials chemistry are as diverse as the solid-state chemistryrelated fields because this is where they originate. Thus chemists, physicists, crystallographers, and quantum theorists have all contributed to the strange ...
The first book devoted to the role of chemical synthesis techniques in advanced ceramic materials development.
This book describes, for the first time in a modern text, the fundamental principles on which solid state electrochemistry is based.
The 3rd edition of this successful textbook continues to build on the strengths that were recognized by a 2008 Textbook Excellence Award from the Text and Academic Authors Association (TAA).
After the preliminaries, the book covers: The theory and features of solid-state NMR and nuclear relaxation in solids, including dynamics of materials Different materials, diamagnetic and paramagnetic, from metals and metal clusters to ...
The iron-based superconductors are also thought to contain Cooper pairs, and there is some evidence from isotope studies that phonons are involved. As for the cuprate semiconductors, the solids are antiferromagnetic above TC and the ...
The first broad account offering a non-mathematical, unified treatment of solid state chemistry.
In 1945, A. F. Wells published the first edition of Structural Inorganic Chemistry. This work attempts to demonstrate that the synthesis, structure, and properties of solids form an important part of inorganic chemistry.
Cava, R. J., Batlogg, B., Krajewski, J. J., Rupp, L. W., Schneemeyer, L. F., Siegrest, T., Van Dover, R. B., Marsh, P., Peok, W. F. Jr, Gallagher, P. K., Glarium, S. H., Marshall, J. H., Farrow, R. C., Waszezak, J. W., Hull, ...
This book gives a comprehensive review of proton conductors, including theory, techniques, the materials themselves and applications.