B is for boy . . . but in Alison Jay's ABC, B also stands for basket, beehive,and butterfly. Featuring a simple format and bright paintings, this acclaimed alphabet book is perfect for toddlers. Older readers are encouraged to look and look again as each spread reveals a new perspective on what has come before and intriguing hints of what's still to come.
A series of stories featuring Huckle, Lowly, Pig Will, Pig Won't, and other characters who demonstrate the good will generated by nice manners.
When the dog he is caring for runs away from Alan into the forbidden garden of a retired dog-hating magician, a spell seems to be cast over the contrary dog.
Simplified Chinese edition of Sophie's masterpiece: a spider's tale. Sophie the spider makes wondrous webs, but the residents of Beekman's Boarding House do not appreciate her until at last, old and tired, she weaves her final masterpiece.
本书是常新港2014年贺岁新书。故事讲述了一匹英俊的草原马悄悄走进一位少年的生活,少年与马在多日的相处中,建立起特殊的感情。马带领这位少年认识了全新的自己,理解了人 ...
《羊家族的喜剧》是作家常新港动物小说中的一本,继《一匹倔脾气的马》之后的又一本本命年读本。作品的主旨意义在于使儿童接受一些深刻的人生命题,寄望他们懂得责任、使命 ...
这部作品写了生活在大塘一个猪家族。我是小六,不同于别的兄弟,又大又壮。最得奶奶喜爱。我呵护着小妹还有五哥,不让他们贪吃自私的四哥欺负。我们四个一起上学,可是四哥 ...
灰灰本来是一只自由自在生活在原野上的野兔,可是有一天因为受伤,被兔奶奶带到了养兔场。聪明的灰灰发现这个养兔场并不是给兔子们提供白吃白喝和保护的天堂,这里所有的兔 ...
福满“饭店是一家狗肉饭店,一只叫黄毛的“狗“就被带回饭店,准备养大养肥再吃肉。可是黄毛吃东西挑剔,吃肉骨头也不长肉。他其实是因为森林着火与虎妈妈还有兄弟们失散的 ...
小老鼠米来是老鼠世界的另类,他热爱人类的知识。为了帮助他拿到主人的汉语字典,他亲爱的六哥米上银失去了生命。这件事震惊了整个鼠界。从此米来更加被兄弟们孤立,只有爸 ...
我是学虎语的兽语大学学生。我不愿意到动物园去找老虎,因为那里老虎的语言一点都不正宗。虎笼的两边是豹笼和狮笼,它们互相影响,以至于那虎一张口就满带着狮音豹腔。而且 ...