“This remarkable book, staring curiously down at the soil beneath our feet, points us convincingly in one of the directions we must travel. I learned something on every page.” —Bill McKibben For the first time since the Neolithic, we have the opportunity to transform not only our food system but our entire relationship to the living world. Farming is the world's greatest cause of environmental destruction – and the one we are least prepared to talk about. We criticise urban sprawl, but farming sprawls across thirty times as much land. We have ploughed, fenced and grazed great tracts of the planet, felling forests, killing wildlife, and poisoning rivers and oceans to feed ourselves. Yet millions still go hungry. Now the food system itself is beginning to falter. But, as George Monbiot shows us in this brilliant, bracingly original new book, we can resolve the biggest of our dilemmas and feed the world without devouring the planet. Regenesis is a breathtaking vision of a new future for food and for humanity. Drawing on astonishing advances in soil ecology, Monbiot reveals how our changing understanding of the world beneath our feet could allow us to grow more food with less farming. He meets the people who are unlocking these methods, from the fruit and vegetable grower revolutionising our understanding of fertility; through breeders of perennial grains, liberating the land from ploughs and poisons; to the scientists pioneering new ways to grow protein and fat. Together, they show how the tiniest life forms could help us make peace with the planet, restore its living systems, and replace the age of extinction with an age of regenesis.
S E L E C T E D R E F E R E N C E S PROL O GUE Carlson, Robert H. Biology Is Technology. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2 Ol O. Chang, Timothy Z. “Kinetics of Wastewater Treatment and Electricity Production in a Novel Microbial ...
The Regenesis Group is a coalition of experienced design, land-use, planning, business, and development professionals who represent the forefront of the movement; in this book, they explain what regenerative development is, how and why it ...
... has never had a compassionate moment in his life. I just wonder what they 43 Regenesis.
A successful health strategy must deploy powerful measures to counter those of destruction and enlist the forces that promote regeneration. This is mortal combat. Are you ready for the challenge?
In that previous world, almost completely wiped away now by the work of herself and generations of others, the voices and needs of nonhuman entities went unheeded.
ReGenesis tells a tale of Earth in the 34th century.
“This Regenesis thing is becoming too big. Financially it's becoming a nightmare. Now the Russians, Middle Easterners, Chinese, and Americans are in on it. The Japanese too. I'm not sure if everyone is following the same agenda.
But what will it take to survive? This dramatic second book in an electrifying duology will have readers at the edges of their seats as they discover that survival above is as difficult as survival below.
Undertaking a difficult mission to find safe homes for the endangered species of the planet Earth, agent Rahel Tovin of the Noah's Ark organization begins rescue efforts that will take her across the galaxy. Original.
Now is the time to discover the primary reason you are on earth as sojourners: to occupy earth with the atmosphere of heaven. This book does not teach new ways to become who you want to be or self-realization techniques.