The New York Times Book Review has praised Julia Alvarez's fiction as "powerful...beautifullycaptures the threshold experience of the new immigrant where the past is not yet a memory and the futureremains an anxious dream." These same qualities characterize her poetry--from the "Making Up the Past"poems, which explore a life of exile as lived by a young girl, to "the Joe Poems," a series of wonderfullysensual and funny love poems celebrating a middle-aged romance. The collection culminates in the twentyone-part title poem about the poet's return to her native Dominican Republic and the internal conflict andultimate affirmation that journey occasioned. Bold innovation and invention, the interplay of sound and sense, and the rhythm of two languages all characterize Julia Alvarez's art in transforming precious memory intounforgettable poetry.
Reprinted from Selected Poems of Langston Hughes , by Langston Hughes , by permission of Alfred A. Knopf , Inc. “ Dream Deferred ” copyright 1951 by Langston Hughes . Reprinted from The Panther and the Lash : Poems of Our Times ...
Winner of the Samuel French Morse Poetry Prize
Gathers together poems by the nineteenth-century American poet
I asked to be transferred to Sterling and Gems . But the tines , the blades , the facets Menaced me . I learned you break or are broken . And then a Texaco receptionist , Jack - In - The - Box waitress ... No need to spell the perils ...
约1859(1859) 1890 134 (92)也许你想买一朵花,但我绝对不能卖—如果你想借一借,直到黄水仙解开村门下面她的黄软帽,直到蜜蜂,从一排排红花草汲取他们的黄、白葡萄酒,哎,我会借到那个时候,但不会再多一个钟头!约1859(1859) 1890 135 (93)水,由干渴来宣讲。
约 1859 ( 1859 ) 1890 134 ( 92 )也许你想买一朵花,但我绝对不能卖一如果你想借一借,直到黄水仙解开村门下面她的黄软帽,直到蜜蜂,从一排排红花草汲取他们的黄、白葡萄酒,哎,我会借到那个时候, 3 但不会再多一个钟头!约 1859 ( 1859.
番红花(Crocus),671 乌鸦(Crow),1514 王冠(Crown),195,336,356,508;基督的,1735 十字架蒙难(Crucifixion),更新的,553 面包屑(Crumb),791 黄水仙(Daffodil),60,927 蒲公英(Dandelion),100,1501,1519 危险(Danger),1678 黑暗(darkness),419 白天(Day),1676; ...
我哥哥在我读中学时给我普拉斯(Sylvia Plath)的书;我听鲍伯·狄伦(Bob Dylan)的《金发美女》(Blonde on Blonde),有史以来最棒的专辑。大学时代:浪漫主义诗人极其悲苦,象征主义诗人极其情绪多变的氛围,马雅可夫斯基的《穿着裤子的云》,烟雾迷蒙的桉树, ...
A collection of works by a contemporary English poet selected from twelve books of poetry written over a 25-year period.
艾米莉·狄金森. 士巨人歌利亚。[12]朱迪亚,古巴勒斯坦南部地区。[13]《圣经·新约·约翰福音》第20章第21节记载:“耶稣对多马说:'你因看见了我才信;那没有看见就信的有福了。'” [14]富兰克林本作“看不到麻烦”。[15]此处的“我”和第四节的“我”,富兰克林本都 ...