Al Franken, "one of our savviest satirists" (People), takes on the issues, the politicians, and the pundits in one of the most anticipated books of the year.
For the first time since his own classic Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot and Other Observations, Al Franken trains his subversive wit directly on the contemporary political scene. Now, the "master of political humor" (Washington Times) destroys the myth of liberal bias in the media, and exposes how the Right shamelessly tries to deceive the rest of us.
No one is spared as Al uses the Right's own words against them. Not the Bush administration and their rhetorical hypocrisy. Not Ann Coulter and her specious screeds. Not the new generation of talk-radio hosts, and not Bill O'Reilly, Roger Ailes, and the entire Fox network. This is the book Al Franken fans have been waiting for (and his foes have been dreading). Timely, provocative, unfailingly honest, and always funny, Lies is sure to become the most talked about book of political humor in 2003 and beyond.
Timely, provocative, unfailingly honest, and always funny, Lies sticks it to the most right-wing administration in memory, and to the right-wing media hacks who do its bidding.
And the Lying Liars Who Tell Them Al Franken. accurately quotes from a newspaper. Noticing a pattern here? An insidious, compulsive pattern? It gets worse. In January of 2000, Gore spoke to a high school in Concord, New Hampshire, ...
Lies: And the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right By Al Franke
Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right
A liberal political satirist examines the frequently ridiculous world of American politics, showcasing the absurdities of presidential hopefuls and America's elite policymakers.
From Senator Al Franken - #1 bestselling author and beloved SNL alum -- comes the story of an award-winning comedian who decided to run for office and then discovered why award-winning comedians tend not to do that.
Your pal for life, Your Name Don't be afraid to add some personal touches of your own to your personal note. Particularly if those personal touches ... But there's more to personal letter writing than just networking or blackmail.
... Tim, because I really do believe that we will be greeted as liberators. He'd already said that. But that was part of the strategy. If you want someone to remember something, you have to say it over and over again.
The dramatic rise and dizzying fall of Al Franken, the first Jewish president of the United States.
Carol Kinsey Goman, a leading workplace body language expert, combines her own experiences with the latest research to identify fifty subtle physical and vocal cues that will enable you to spot destructive workplace lies.