Teaching English as a Second Language: A Book of Readings
This handbook shows you step-by-step how to start an English as a Second Language (ESL) program for refugees, immigrants in your community, students from other countries, and others.
Teaching English as a Second Or Foreign Language
Readings on English as a Second Language: for Teachers and Teacher-trainees
First Published in 1994. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Through its up-to-date and comprehensive coverage of current perspectives, this volume aims to expand understanding of what it means to learn English as a second or additional language.
London: Routledge. King, S. (2005). A Fine Balance: Connecting Undergraduate Teaching and Research. Pedagogy, 5(3), 495–500. doi:10.1215/15314200-5-3-495 Knapp, J. V. (2008). Learning from Scant Beginnings: English Professor Expertise.
Foundations for Teaching English as a Second Language: Theory and Method for Multicultural Education
Postgraduate Students of English, teachers, teacher-trainees (B.Ed./M.A. Education/M.Ed.), and teacher-educators who are concerned with teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) should find this book immensely helpful.a
New York, NY: Pearson Education. Dunn, L. M., Dunn, L. M., & Thériault-Whalen, C. M. (1993). Échelle de vocabulaire en images Peabody: série de planches. Toronto, Canada: Psycan. Eggington, W. G. (2015). When everything's right ...