A dictionary of the English language, including sections on abbreviations, marks of punctuation, weights and measures, numbers, capitalization, and spelling.
Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language
The Webster’s New World Dictionary is ideal for students and adults of all ages.
Newly updated throughout to reflect our changing language and evolving social, cultural, political, and scientific world, Webster's New World College Dictionary is the best language guide for today's Information Age....
And selected illustrations help readers identify and remember words. This quality paperback book is designed for ease of reading and use, as well as for durability.
This totally revised edition adds nearly 1,800 new words to the more than 60,000 entries.
Peter Martin recounts the patriotic fervor in the early American republic to produce a definitive national dictionary that would rival Samuel Johnson's 1755 Dictionary of the English Language.
Webster's New World Dictionary: Of the American Language. diel 1
Includes the commonly used words that make up the basic vocabulary of English, as well as some specialized terms, abbreviations, and foreign words and phrases.
Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language
Webster's New World College Dictionary is a favorite of newsrooms and copyeditors nationwide, and it is the official dictionary of The Associated Press Stylebook.